Netherlands, NAhardcow, goat, sheep milk


Aged Gouda is a hard, cow's milk cheese from the Netherlands, known for its rich flavor and unique crystalline texture. With aging, it develops a deep caramel sweetness and a complex, nutty profile, complemented by a slightly granular mouthfeel.

Flavor Profile

Primary Flavors


Secondary Notes


Aged Gouda's flavor deepens with age, occasionally exhibiting hints of spice and a subtle earthiness.

Perfect Pairings

Wine Pairings

  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Merlot
  • Port

Food Pairings

  • apple slices
  • dark chocolate
  • charcuterie
  • nuts

Pair Aged Gouda with a robust red wine or a sweet dessert wine. It complements fruit, especially apples and pears, and enhances charcuterie boards.

Serving & Storage

Serving Suggestions

  • Serve at room temperature to enhance flavor
  • Grate over salads or pasta dishes
  • Include in cheese boards with fruits and nuts

Storage Guidelines

Store Aged Gouda wrapped in wax paper or parchment, then placed in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Allow it to breathe to maintain texture.

Additional Information

Cultural Significance

Aged Gouda has a long history in the Netherlands, traditionally made in small farms. It symbolizes Dutch cheese-making heritage and is often celebrated in local festivals.

Nutritional Highlights

  • High in calcium
  • Contains beneficial probiotics
  • Rich in protein

Seasonal Availability

Available year-round; however, it is particularly popular during winter holidays.

Related Tags

hard cheeseDutch cheeseaged cheesecow's milk